Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thank Goodness its Friday!

Today, it was a glorious day for it held hopes for the weekend. It was friday. As class began we sang out the "Hello Smith :)" greeting with enthusiasm and in an immaculate chorus. With all the energy, its a wonder if that beginning statement in class got old. Our first assignement of the day turned out to be a quiz on Macbeth. We could work with 2 other people, and if it wasnt for that then we might have been stuck on a few questions. After working quietly we then took up another test that focused on the SAT vocab words, which was fun and opened our creative minds. There was delightful chatter as we took the quiz because unlike other quizzes this one was a topic we could relate to and laugh about. After much concentration of the best use of the meaning of words like diaphonous and bestial, many finished the quiz. Afterwards Smith let us partake in the reading of LOF or any other assignements in english.

HOMEWORK: Blog on LOF 7-8 the topics of evil between the two

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