Monday, April 11, 2011

A Day of Listening Period 5

Today was a day of listening and pondering. We were given the "rundown" on how the enormous TED Talk final was going to happen. We were told that instead of having an in class essay, we are going to present a creative idea that means something to each one of us. This is to be done with the help of 20 PowerPoint slides. Some helpful hints can be seen from this link. We also went over the Grammar Sentence of the week this week’s two sentences are, “if we finish our homework we will be able to go to the movie” and “the girl who ran with susan and me won her race yesterday”. Don’t forget to use your purple packet when analyzing and diagramming these sentences. For homework, we need to finish reading A Whole New Mind up through chapter 3, start working on the ted talk video blogging, and your “Drive” sentence. This sentence is one sentence that encompasses all of what you think you will be one day. This needs to be done by Friday April 15. A link to the TED website can be found here. Remember, doing only what is required for the TED blogging will only get you a "C". So aim high and “wow” Mrs. Smith. Get started working on your TED talks now! The first Fish Bowl is tomorrow so bring in as many connections and worthwhile discussion ideas that you can!

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