Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank Goddnes its FRIDAY!!

Today's class started off with the usual "Hello Everybody" and the common response "Hello Smith". With a reminder from Smith that there were only two more hours until school was out and break had finally come, the whole class already wished the period to be over even though it had only been about 30 seconds. Smith continued with a run down of what the rest of the semester would look like. The first week (and possibly second) after break we are going to exchange This I believe essays with students in Virginia and Poland. Also by December 10th we are to have read the first half of 1984 by George Orwell. Smith highly suggested that we read the book over the break before we get to busy. During finals week, we have regular class on Monday were we will prepare for our final on Thursday which will start at 10:35 and go till noon. 
The homework over the break was to post comments on other students podcasts and essays for this i believe. To do this we created wiki accounts at and made sure that our user names were our first name last initial 2014. We then turned in our podcasts in Smith's drop box were she took them and put them on the wiki for everyone to read. For the rest of the class we read and listened too others students essays and wrote well thought and constructive comments. When the bell rang the class hastily (but neatly) but there computers away and left the room with only one more hour between them and a week long break.

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