Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where oh where is Mrs. Smith?

Today Mrs. Glodowske was our sub while Mrs. Smith was out. We started off the day with grammar, and completed the Wednesday and Thursday activities for only the back sentence. Before we began reading our poems, we wrote our Parent teacher conference letter. The guidelines are…
Reflection: Purpose- create a conversation about your learning:
• Assess your learning in class so far this semester. Look at participation, growth in writing, comprehension, ect….
• Where do you want to be at the end of the semester?
• How are you going to get there?
• What help can I provide to achieve your goal?
• Message to parent.
• Print one copy for parents, one copy for Smith, and one in her drop box.
Next, the class read their chosen poems out loud. They ranged from the homonym poem to the persuasive poem with many different interpretations of each. The poems are filled with rhymes and emotion such as humor, love, and heartbreak. Examples of some can be found on the class blog. We also had no homework for today unless you didn't finish the parent teacher letter.

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