Thursday, December 2, 2010

Loggel Timeline Breakdown Period 5 Thursday 12/2/10

After a small reprimand concerning where to be when the bell tolls, Smith told the class about the plan for the next few days. Tomorrow, Friday, the class will be having a conversation on pages 1-69 of 1984. Everyone needs to bring in three guiding questions for the fishbowl discussion. After the learning of this, each student fetched their laptops and presented to the rest of the class about the years they had researched for the past few days. Loggel was used to do this and if absent you can go over every page and watch the videos attached to them. The class username is AHSSmith5 and the pass word is the same; they are both case sensitive. After all the years had been gone through, the class went over propaganda of the era that Smith had gathered. Then we discussed our own cartoons with our seat partners.

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