Tuesday, December 7, 2010

18 Days and Counting

Today we got out our computers, sat down, and gave our usual Hello Smith's. Then we got out our planners, and wrote down our homework, which was:

To read pages 69-117 of 1984 (Or through chapter 1 of book 2, unless you haven’t gotten that far, otherwise, read pages 1-117) by tomorrow and have several good questions (Preferably 3), for discussion tomorrow.

Next, we needed to Loggel our 1984 chapters, which will include a summary of the chapter, and any symbols that we notice through the chapter.

Also, we need to give our This I Believe comments under the discussion tab in Wikispaces for two other classes by Friday, but the sooner the better: Schlage, and Davis. We need to read 3-4 essays from Schlage, you should put comments on the people who have the least views. How would you feel if you had put (Hopefully) tons of effort into your essay about something really personal to you, and no one else reads it? Here’s the link for Schlage: http://ahsthisibelieve.wikispaces.com/Schlageter+ASW
For Davis, you need to do 2 or more, except if you were in the outside set of tables: then you’ll need to do the two people that Smith assigned to you first. If you were on the outside then you’ll need to do any 2 that you see, but if you see 3 people who did the same one, then find another that had less, and check to make sure that there are no repeats by people.
Here’s the link for Davis, and remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page:

Last (I promise): We need to have all of our books and stories that we’ve read this semester: Lord of the Flies, Macbeth, Fahrenheit 451, The Pedestrian, Harrison Bergeron, our Banned Book (Optional, but highly recommended if you can get a hold of it), and 1984 (Completely optional since we haven’t finished it yet), so that we can work on our outlines on Friday. (Hint, hint, get the outline done as much as you can before this!)

Afterwards, we wrote down out homework, we were introduced to another of Sage’s friends: Auto (I’m really sorry if that’s wrong!), and we talked about a few differences between schools here and in Africa (Don’t remember the exact country...)

Then, we listened to the soundtrack/CD of 1984, and opened up the lyrics of the songs on Smith’s web page.
Here’s the link, it’s the last file underneath 1st Semester, so it shouldn’t be to hard to find, it’s called 1984 songs:
We listened to a combination of instrumentals and other songs, and typed what we thought about them in the same word document using the Review Tab, Comments Group, and New Comment Button, and the connections that we could make to 1984, which we are going to do again on Thursday so be prepared.

Last, we used the rest of our time to work on reading 1984, Wikispaces and Loggel.

If I don’t get a chance to say it later, Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Cuanza, and any other Holidays that I don’t know about! 18 days and Counting! :)

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